Tamara Bower
Winner of the ALA Amelia Bloomer Award for Nonfiction Picture Book.
Children's Books - Archaeological Illustration

Tamara Bower
Tamara Bower has been fascinated by ancient Egypt since she was a child, when she and her friends dressed up to play as ancient Egyptians. She studied fine art in college, and was trained in archaeological illustration at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where she worked as a staff illustrator in the Department of Egyptian Art. She has also served as the technical illustrator for archaeological excavations in Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Belize, and California.
Bower's previous children's book, "How the Amazon Queen Fought the Prince of Egypt" won the ALA Amelia Bloomer Award for Nonfiction Picture Books, the Blue Ribbon Nonfiction Book Award, and the Africana Book Award for Young Children.
She lives in New York City.
Tamara Bower
Archaeological Illustration
Abydos, Egypt
Osiris Temple Project
Michelle Marlar, Field Director
January - March, 2013
San Ignacio, Belize
Cahal Pech
Jaime Awe, Field Director
June - July, 2012
Abydos, Egypt
Abydos Votive Zone
Mary-Ann Pouls-Wegner, Field Director
June - July, 2011
Abydos, Egypt
Monuments of Ahmose
Steve Harvey, Field Director
Stony Brook University
March – May, 2009
Abydos, Egypt
Monuments of Ahmose
Steve Harvey, Field Director
University of Chicago
November – December, 2006
Venta Micena, Andalusia, Spain
Josep Gilbert, Director
September, 2003
On the Thomas Scalise Artist Fellowship, Earthwatch
Cadir Hoyuk, Sorgun Province, Turkey
Ron Gorney, Director
July - August, 2001
Abydos, Egypt
Monuments of Senwosret III
Joseph Wegner, Field Director
University of Pennsylvania/Yale University
May - August, 1997
Abydos, Egypt
Monuments of Thutmose III
Mary-Ann Pouls, Field Director
University of Pennsylvania/Yale University
March - May 1997
Abydos, Egypt
Monuments of Ahmose
Steve Harvey, Field Director
University of Pennsylvania/Yale University
February - April 1996
Cahuilla Indian Rock Art Sites Inventory
San Bernardino National Forest
Mount San Jacinto, California.
Daniel McCarthy, Forest Archaeologist
June 1995
The Brooklyn Museum of Art
Dept. of Egyptian, Classical, and
Ancient Middle Eastern Art
Richard Fazzini, Chairman
February 1993 - March 1997
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Department of Egyptian Art
Dieter Arnold, Curator
April - July, 1992
Thomas Scalise Artist Fellowship, Earthwatch Institute.
For excavation in Venta Micena, Spain
The Decorated Elite Mastaba and Rock-cut Tomb in the Eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza and their Relationship to the Development of Art during the Forth Dynasty. by Laurel Flentye. Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Institutional Patronage and Social Commemoration in Theban Tomb Painting during the Reigns of Thutmose IV (1419-1410 BC) and Amenhotep III (1410-1382 BC) by Melinda Hartwig Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2000
A Muraqqa for Murad III (r. 1574-95) by Aimee Froome, Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University 2000
The Cults of King Ahmose at Abydos. by Stephen P Harvey, PhD. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1998.
Essay by Donald Spanel in
Festscrift for William Kelly Simpson
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1997
The Dynamics of Power in an Age of Transition: Mortuary Remains from Tell El Far’ah South, Israel by Susan Braunstein. Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University. 1997
“The Underground Panels of King Djoser at the Step Pyramid Complex” in Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Vol. XXXII 1995 by Florence Friedman Page 13 figure 8b
“A Painted Fragment From the Tomb of D’w at Dier el Gebrawi” in Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
Vol. XXXI, 1995 by James F. Romano. Curator, Brooklyn Museum of Art, and Gay Robins, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Pages 21 - 32 Figures 7 & 8.
Tumbas Reales de Sipan Gallery Guide, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 1994.
Egyptian Gallery Guides, Brooklyn Museum of Art, NY 1994
“Non-royal Funerary Figurines of the Post-Amarna Period from Deir el-Medina” by Donald Spanel, Assistant Curator, Brooklyn Museum (Forthcoming)
The Mummy-Makers of Egypt
Written and illustrated by Tamara Bower
Seven Stories Press, 2015
How the Amazon Queen Fought the Prince of Egypt
Written and illustrated by Tamara Bower
Simon & Schuster, 2005
Awards: Africana Book Award for Young Children, 2006
ALA Amelia Bloomer Award for Nonfiction Picture Book, 2005
BCCB – Blue Ribbon Nonfiction Book Award 2005
Review: New York Times, 2005, “Pyramid Schemes” by Meg Wolitzer
Review: Sankofa: A Journal of African Children's and Young Adult Literature, 2006, by Alexandra O’Brien
The Shipwrecked Sailor, An Egyptian Tale with Hieroglyphs
Written and illustrated by Tamara Bower
Simon & Schuster, 2000
Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art: Drawing & Painting, 1979
Drawing and Painting, 1976 - 1977

Tamara at top, 10 years old,
with friends in Egyptian costumes.

Tamara working on excavation in Abydos, Egypt.

Tamara working on excavation in Abydos, Egypt.